How is the footer set up?

The footer is set up using a Global Beaver Builder row, and is inserted at the bottom of each page using hooks and the Beaver Builder shortcode.

Don't stress if you don't know what it is but we just wanted to outline that for those who need to know.

How to edit the footer columns

Ensure you follow the article "Enable admin templates" that we have here in our knowledgebase so that you can see the word TEMPLATES in your WordPress dashboard admin menu on the left.

Next, from your WordPress Dashboard go to Templates > All Templates and launch the Beaver Builder page builder for the template named Footer, as shown below. Then you edit the template as normal using the drag and drop nature of Beaver Builder.

The Footer Columns template is what you want to edit

As shown below, when you go from your WordPress Dashboard to Templates > All Templates, you will see a template named Footer Columns. Edit this to edit the columns of the footer on each page.

TIP: You can also edit the Footer Widgets on the home page

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then Pages and edit the Home page with Beaver Builder. 

We have coded the home page so that you can edit the footer widget template from the home page only. If you go to the About page and try to edit the Footer Columns, it will not work. This is intentional.

How to disable the footer

If you are wanting to remove the footer columns, go to Templates > All Templates and mark the template as DRAFT incase you want to reactivate it at a later date, as shown below.